02 Desember 2010

From 'the very young' to 'young' ;)

This post is about me . Yap . About me
But not talking about the now me . I'm going to post about the very young me till the young me .
Enjoy ;)

We'll start from the ' very young' me :

 See ? This is the old me :D
In this photo i was only in primary 4
I'm with who ? My boyfriend loo ;;)
Joking . This is my cousin .
We were attending our grandpa funeral that time .
Next is going to be me in primary 5

As you can see , I was with my Mom that time
I was still in primary 5 and me and my family went to Singapore for vacation . I looked like I'm sleepy but actually I'm not . I was blinded by the blitz ;)
Eng Ing Eng . Me in Primary 6

Uh-Oh , No ! I know you're going to laugh at me . -,-
I might look ridiculous but actually i kinda love this photo
Err ,this is me in primary 6.Yep , Short-hair .Ha ha .
I cut my hair off :D .Actually i have tons of my pictures when i was in primary 6.
But i'm going to post it in the next post . Just wait and keep reading . ;)

Me in Junior High School 1 !(the 'young' me)

I've no idea who was behind me :s
Maybe Jolyana or , err, no idea . Hehe
As you can see , this photo was taken on my birthday .
My classmate bought me birthday cake and made a surprise for me .
I had had a big blast that day . :)

29 November 2010

Es Krim Kelapa Muda

Bahan :
  • 1/2 ltr susu segar
  • 100 ml air kelapa muda
  • 1 sdk tepung maizena. larutkan sedikit dalam air
  • 3 telur ayam. ambil kuningnya saja lalu dikocok
  • 200 gr daging kelapa muda
  • 100 mk krim kental

Cara membuat :
  1. Campurkan susu dan air kelapa muda kemudian aduk rata
  2. Masak diatas api kecil kemudian diaduk terus hingga panas
  3. Masukkan cairan maizena kemudian aduk terus hingga mendidih
  4. Ambil sedikit adonan kemudian aduk dengan kuning telur.
  5. Masukkan kembali kedalam adonan. Masak hingga mendidih kemudian angkat dan terus diaduk hingga uapnya hilang.
  6. Tambahkan daging kelapa muda dan krim kemudian aduk rata.
  7. Setelah agak dingin, masukkan ke dalam freezer hingga setengah beku.
  8. Aduk kembali hingga rata kemudian simpan dalam freezer hingga beku.
  9. Sajikan dalam gelas gelas kecil.

My Brothers

This is my Big bro .
He's the oldest from all of my brothers .
He was born in 1992 . :D
Now he was in Petra University at Surabaya
I love to call him Mr . Perfect cause seems like he's almost perfect in every subject .
He loves to listen to music and so do I .
My bro's best friend always says that both me and my Big bro is like fotocopy .
sounds silly huh ? Haha
And both me and my big bro is a serious type of person .
sometimes we can be too serious .
And looks like it can be a disadvantage for us . :S

This is my 2nd Bro
My 2nd bro is very different from my big bro
He seems to be much hilarious then my big bro
Usually he's the one who made me laugh when I'm sad or badmood
He loves to play game . Unlike my first bro haha
He was born in 1994
My personality is different with my 2nd bro cause I'm not the type who loves to laugh out loud
But still this bro is the best if his job is to make me laugh . :)

And those are about my brothers 
Although both of them are different , i still love them
sometimes they can be so annoying and i think that's normal . To be with them is my biggest happiness


This is me , my two brothers and my grandma .we were celebrating
my 12th Birthday .My momy and dady were going overseas , that's
why they didn't join the party .

This was our picture when we went to Brastagi on 16
February 2010 . We went there just to bought a dog.
Pretty silly huh? went there just to buy a dog. Hahaha
We were enjoying corn when we take this photo.You
can see my big bro's hand . He was holding a corn .:p

Nyaha ! This is my super big number of family . :D
Everyone was here, my cousins I mean . Even some that
live at Jakarta was also here .
All of us were wearing white shirt cause we were attending
our grandpa funeral and that photoshot was taken at
Angsapuraa loo .

27 November 2010

My Name Is Jesslynd

Hello Bloggies !
As you can see that i've written almost everywhere in my blog ,
My name is Jesslynd .
For those who hasn't known me , nice to meet you yea :)
Now I'm 13 years old and I'm in Junior High School two
Actually this is just an Introduction .
After this I'm going to post much more about me , my family , friends , and another me .
Curious ?
Keep reading then to find out the mystery behind every secrets that I have . :p

My Next Topic

Hello There  !
Let's escape from your biology stuff and relax
Next Topic is AbouT Me .
Bet you'll feel curious . ;p
Enjoy ! :D

14 November 2010

Mamalia Terbesar

Catacean Terbesar --> Paus Biru

Berat : 11m-176 ton
Panjang : 20-30 meter
Paus biru adalah anggota terbesar dari ordo Cetacea .Paus biru juga merupakan hewan terbesar yang masih hidup dan mungkin merupakan hewan terbesar yang pernah hidup .Paus biru dapat menghasilkan suara pada volume lebih dari 180 desibel, karena itu paus biru adalah hewan yang menghasilkan suara terkeras .
Paus sirip (fin whale) berada di tempat kedua setelah paus biru .

13 November 2010

Mengenal Mamalia

Hewan dengan karakter yang paling variatif.
Istilah lain untuk mamalia adalah binatang yang menyusui. Termasuk kelas hewan vertebrata (memiliki tulang belakang) dan kelenjar susu pada betinanya. Mamalia tergolong hewan berdarah panas atau suhu tubuhnya tetap, seperti manusia. Pada umumnya, mamalia melahirkan keturunannya dengan cara beranak atau melahirkan.
Ada beberapa mamalia yang bertelur, seperti ikan guppy dan hiu martil. Hal ini karena tidak melahirkan bukanlah ciri utama hewan mamalia. Tapi adalah soal menyusui dan memiliki kelenjar susu pada betina tadi merupakan ciri utamanya. Hewan mamalia memiliki beberapa ciri, misalnya memunyai jantung dengan empat ruang, tubuhnya ditutupi bulu, ujung telinganya bercuping (lancip), memiliki kelenjar peluh, dan bernapas melalui paruparu.
Mamalia terdiri dari 5.487 spesies dari 46 ordo.Ukurannya pun beraneka ragam, terkecil (2,5-12 sentimeter) hingga terbesar (33 meter)
Secara filogenetik, yang disebut Mamalia adalah semua turunan dari nenek moyang monotremata (seperti echidna) dan mamalia therian (berplasenta dan berkantung atau marsupial)


11 November 2010

Asal Mula Biologi

Ilmu biologi dirintis oleh Aristoteles, ilmuwan berkebangsaan Yunani.
Dalam terminologi Aristoteles, "filosofi alam" adalaha cabang filosofi yang meneliti fenomena alam, dan mencakupi bidang yang kini disebut sebagai fisika, biologi, dan ilmu pengetahuan alam lainnya..
Aristoteles melakukan penelitian sejarah alam di pulau Lesbos. Hasil penelitiannya, termasuk Sejarah Hewan, Generasi Hewan, dan Bagian Hewan, berisi beberapa observasi dan interpretasi, dan juga terdapat mitos dan kesalahan. Bagian yang penting adalah mengenai kehidupan laut. Ia memisahkan mamalia laut dari ikan, dan mengetahui bahwa hiu dan pari adlah bagian dari grup yang ia sebut Selachē (selachians).


Mengenai Biologi

 Apa itu biologi ?

Biologi adalah ilmu mengenai kehidupan.
Istilah ini diambil dari bahasa Belanda "biologie", yang juga diturunkan dari gabungan kata bahasa Yunani, βίος, bios ("hidup") dan λόγος,logos ("lambang", "ilmu").
Dahulu—sampai tahun 1970-an—digunakan istilah ilmu hayat (diambil dari bahasa Arab, artinya "ilmu kehidupan").